Profile Picture Arjun Ashokan

Arjun Ashokan

# Movie Audience Gross
movie poster Bramayugam (2024) 1178121 ₹18.09CR
movie poster Chaaver (2023) 153548 ₹2.29CR
movie poster Theeppori Benny (2023) 49765 ₹77.07L
movie poster Pranaya Vilasam (2023) 106168 ₹1.62CR
movie poster Romancham (2023) 2011832 ₹30.68CR
movie poster Malayankunju (2022) 405733 ₹5.93CR
movie poster Super Sharanya (2022) 403501 ₹5.68CR

Note: The list may have errors. You can report them on our Discord!